Monster Jinx Type Beat


Why Monster Jinx Type Beat? That’s a good question. The truth is, ironically, there’s not one static sound to our crew. It’s not easy to put Monster Jinx in a box, but when you press play, you know it’s us, right?

Monster Jinx Type Beat was born from an invitation by Musicbox, supported by the Lisbon’s City Hall, who challenged us to create original projects for Coletivo. That was the seed that gave birth to a project that makes so much sense in our purple universe.

Therefore, Monster Jinx Type Beat is our mobile ever-changing band, including the whole crew in a single creative process.

Our current formation counts on Maria, MAF, DarkSunn, SlimCutz and Vasco Completo. Making a record apart from each other isn’t easy, but between zoom calls and great spirit, the solitary creative process of each producer in their home, felt as if we were witnessing a virtual jam and that was clear in the final product. There are no leaders and players who do what they’re told. There’s just a band who strives to make a great record.

Like any band who considers itself as such, Monster Jinx Type Beat needed appropriate merch to go with the album. Min helped us out and designed this amazing t-shirt.

Album Credits

All Songs by: DarkSunn, MAF, Maria, SlimCutz and Vasco Completo

Master by: MAF

Artwork by: min