
Spark is half-man, half-machine and all hatred. Skilled as he is on the turntables, don’t ever except him to play any crowd-pleasers. Ever. Even if you happen to catch him in his brightest, lightest mood, he will not stray. Spark is one to stay true to his musical etiquette. All day, every day.

He likes his sound dirty, dark, gritty and challenging. That’s what he plays and that’s what he produces. You can smell it all over his discography. You can almost taste the rust and you’ll definitely hear his cogs turning the wheels of hell.

He also fights great battles as Monster Jinx’s go-to sound guy. He’s known to mix and master loads of work and to magically clean up disgraceful recordings (like Pulso’s bedroom albums). Of course, he does it all in full-on grumpy state. But he gets the job done like a professional hitman.

Spark also doubles as “Pedro Ribeiro”, as he is known in cinema circles. We can’t tell you much about that, but you can always pay more attention to movie credits from now on.

Just don’t bother him much. Unless you are looking for lessons on how to hate.